Monthly Archives: July 2012

Potaku Episode 9 – Multiplayer

Red Artifice and Rize play some Potaku multiplayer this week as we talk split-screen, online, co-op and other ways of interacting with other players and if it’s good or bad.

Potaku Episode 8 – Achievements

It’s time to take this up a gear and score some mad points as we talk about achievements in games with Aleph-Null and The Cracks

Potaku Episode 7 – Levels

Step up to the next level with us and our manly man cohorts, Lamboman and Rocketman. Filmed before a live studio audience.

Potaku Episode 6 – Shameless Gaming

Come with us now on a journey through time and space as we talk about the Pineapple of Shame with Freyr and Trjn.

Potaku Unplugged: Canberra Part 1

Now here’s something a bit different from the norm. This is Potaku Unplugged!